Spiced Cider -- Fall Comfort in a Cup
Serves: 4 Cups
"Recipe" (I leave the word in quotes because it's more of a ratio thing than a recipe. I've made it for so many years now that I just know how much of everything tastes the best to me so I do it all by sight.)
  • 2 Parts Cinnamon
  • 1 Parts Cloves
  • Dash of Nutmeg (It's not my favorite, but if you're a fan, by all means add more.)
  • 1 Orange, sliced in Rounds
  • ½ Bottle Simply Apple
  1. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan on the stove and slowly warm. Try not to let it get to a simmer or it will start making a syrup out of the juice. (You can always add a bit of water if it becomes too sweet.)
***I generally use powdered spices in this recipe. I find the flavors are more potent (not to mention they're often cheaper that way). However, if you have an issue avoiding the dregs or you want the drink to look nicer, feel free to use whole spices instead. You may have to do some experimenting to get the ratios right.
Recipe by at https://www.thehungrydater.com/spiced-cider/